April 15, 2024

When you stop to think about how much you stop and think about MONEY, you may shrug like I am today. Chasing dollars. I love Alejandro Jodorowsky. In Jodowsky's Dune, he says, holding up some bills:

The picture need to be exactly as I am dreaming the picture.

Is a dream. Don't change my dream.

This system make of us slaves.

Without dignity. Without depth.

With a devil in our pocket.

[He holds up the bills]

This incredible money are in the pocket.

This money. This shit.

This nothing.

This paper who have nothing inside.

Movies have heart.

This is a random melody I made on my old broken down, belovedly out of tune upright which died during Covid. Soon I'll find another, but this one was special - a hand me down from brother David Russell (happy birthday again!) sometime in the early '10s. The tuners I tried to hire all told me to dispose of it pronto, but it kept coughing up little gems like this line, so I had to keep it. You fellow hoarders understand, right?

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